Why Students Consider the Provisional Pathway into Medical School!

07/07/2021•5 minute read
Why Students Consider the Provisional Pathway into Medical School!

Is your ATAR above 99.9? Then you should consider the provisional entry pathway to postgraduate medicine in Australia.

What does this all mean?

In Australia, there are three pathways into medical school for high school students:

Undergraduate Medicine (~ 6 years)

This pathway is for high school-leavers and involves direct entry into a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS). This pathway represents about 40% of medicine admissions in Australia, and is offered to students who perform exceptionally well in school and the in UCAT exam.

Postgraduate Medicine (~ 6 years)

This pathway is open to those who have completed any undergraduate degree, and who meet subject prerequisites for some universities. This pathway requires applicants to have high results in both their GPA and the GAMSAT exam. These scores are combined to determine an applicant's eligibility for a medical interview. For this pathway, students can apply through GEMSAS - the graduate medical school consortium - as well as direct-to-institution for some universities.

Provisional Entry for Postgraduate Medicine (~ 7 years)

This pathway is a little more complex. It is open to school leavers who have performed exceptionally well. However, instead of granting students direct entry into undergraduate medicine they go into postgraduate medicine without sitting the GAMSAT. This means that students complete any undergraduate degree upon leaving school and transition seamlessly into postgraduate medicine. However in most cases, students must sit the UCAT and achieve a 99+ ATAR score.

A Guaranteed Entry Pathway into Medicine or Provisional Entry basically signifies that you have a confirmed place to pursue the Doctor of Medicine degree, provided you have achieved the required selection rank and meet other relevant admissions criteria. This eligibility criterion incorporates your ATAR and other adjustment factors you may have obtained at the time of admission to offer you a place.

MedView is the leading medical school preparation company in Australasia. We offer personalised services to support every student’s needs, and believe that everyone has different goals and a unique story. Our mission is to help you achieve your medical school dreams, through personalise support and expert 1:1 tutoring.

So what universities offer which pathway?

Undergraduate Medicine:

  1. Curtin University
  2. University of Western Australia
  3. University of Adelaide
  4. Monash University
  5. UNSW
  6. James Cook University

Postgraduate Medicine & Provisional Entry:

  1. University of Western Australia
  2. Australian National University
  3. Monash University
  4. University of Melbourne
  5. University of Sydney
  6. University of Queensland
  7. University of Sydney
  8. Bond University
  9. Griffith University
  10. Flinders University

So what are the pros and cons of provisional entry into medicine?


  1. For those who may have performed poorly in the UCAT, which is the requirement for most undergraduate programs.
  2. For those who have performed poorly in their interview
  3. Doesn’t require performing well in standardised exams and interview
  4. Allows you to gain knowledge and a degree in any field you may also enjoy


  1. By capping the number of provisional entry pathway places, these universities artificially create an impression that, due to the score required being very high, the pathway must be good, which tempts many students.
  2. Increases the time in which it takes for you to become a doctor

This does not imply you should only strive to achieve entry via this pathway as it is extremely competitive, meaning typically only the highest scoring students are able to take up this excellent pathway option but is a good option to consider as well. Here at MedView we can help you improve your ATAR results to increase your success in this pathway!

MedView is the leading medical school preparation company in Australasia. We offer personalised services to support every student’s needs, and believe that everyone has different goals and a unique story. Our mission is to help you achieve your medical school dreams, through personalise support and expert 1:1 tutoring.

Schedule a free Academic Assessment to discover the MedView Advantage as we can figure out what works for you!